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Privacy Policy

The contents of this page outlines the manner in which we collect, analyze, transmit, store and use clients’ personal information.

By visiting this capstoneprojectswritinghelp.com and/or place your order, you agree to adhere to this privacy policy.

If you do not agree with any of the provisions of this policy then should leave immediately.

Terms definition

Privacy policy – Refers to the provisions that guide personal data collection and processing as outlined on this page.

Personal data/ personal information – Refer to any kind of information that can make it possible for one to identify a specific individual.

Personal data processing – Means any operation that is conducted to personal information including but not limited to: collecting, organizing, analyzing, storing, disseminating, transferring, and destroying.

Personal data informed consent –Refer to the act of agreeing one’s personal data to be processed.

Please note that other key terms used on this page are as defined on the terms and conditions page.

General information in relation to personal data

When you visit our website, there is some data that we collect automatically. Some of this data helps us to understand your interaction with our website. We do this with the help of cookie technology. It is possible to decline the use of cookies. While this is true, your access to our website may be restricted by such an action.

By signing up for an account on our website, you may provide us with personal data. You may not be able to open such an account if you opt not to provide such data to us.

Rights that the users have to their personal information

Right to transparency – The client reserves the right to know the manner in which the company collects personal information and processes it. The company owes the user this explanation.

Right to request destruction of personal data – The user may request the company to destroy the collected personal right. However, the company reserves the right to either accept or decline such a request.

Right to accept or decline the use of cookies

Right to accept or decline the collection and processing of personal information

Right to withdraw consent

Reasons why the company may collect personal data

To make it possible for us to provide our products – Without providing us with important personal details such as your contact information, we may not be able to provide you with any of our products.

To facilitate payment – To make it possible to pay for our services, we may have to ask for your billing information. Information such as name helps us to detect fraud and report the culprits to the relevant authorities.

For communication purposes – Personal data such as telephone numbers or email help us to contact our clients. Without such information, it would not be possible for us to communicate with them. Subsequently, this would mean that clients may not be able to order any of our products.

Marketing reasons – Some personal information of the users that we collect and process , helps us to design and sustain well-targeted marketing campaigns. For instance, data on the pages that users visit often on our website might suggest that the product offered on that page is in high demand. This information may help us to launch an effective marketing campaign.

As a way to comply with the relevant laws– Whenever there is an applicable law requiring us to collect private data of a user, we adhere to such laws.

To enable us to generate enough data for aggregation purposes – It is worth noting that private details in their aggregate format are no longer considered to be personal information. The reason behind this is that in such a format, no individual person can be tracked from such data.

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Parties whom we might share your personal data with

We do not share clients’ personal information with third parties without their informed personal data consent. However, there are circumstances when we may share it. Highlighted below are the parties that we may share your personal information with.

Subcontractor– To deliver our products to the clients, we may need to subcontract some parties. In such a case, we may share clients’ personal information with them.

Advertising agents – When sharing clients’ personal data with advertising agents, we share them in the aggregate format.

Payment partners – To facilitate payment of the various products that we offer at this website, we may share your personal information with payment partners. We advise users to visit the privacy policy of such partners before accepting to use their platforms to make payments.

Legal agencies – We always comply with the relevant legal agencies whenever they legitimately request us to share a client’s personal information with them.

Duration of storing personal information

We do not store client’s personal information in perpetuity.

The duration of storing your personal information may vary depending on:

  • Laws guiding us on how to store such information – We do not store personal information any longer than the law permits us to store it.
  • Purpose of the personal information- For instance, if the purpose was to deliver the client an order then we may destroy the order information as soon as the order is complete.
  • User’s consent- We may not store your personal information any longer than you have agreed for it to be stored.

Security of personal data

The company has the responsibility of ensuring that the personal data that it collects is processed and stored securely. We have adopted the best industry practices in relation to handling of personal data. However, the company cannot guarantee the security of the personal data while being transferred or shared using the internet.

Children’s Privacy

Any person below the age of 16 years is not supposed to access this website. Such an individual should ask the parent or guardian to access this website on his/her behalf.

Compulsion to provide personal information

Provision of personal information is voluntary. Therefore, the company may not coerce, or in any way demand that the user provide such information.

Privacy policy update

The company reserves the right to modify this privacy policy. It may do this without prior notice or consent from any user.

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