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Literature Review Matrix Template for Capstone Project

Literature Review Matrix Template for Capstone Project

Generally, a capstone is such a complex academic project. Usually, creating this kind of project takes months, if not years. To make the development of this academic project possible and manageable, this task is divided into different stages. One of such important phases of developing a capstone project is conducting a literature review. It is always advisable to use an appropriate literature review matrix template for capstone project to make this whole task bearable. If you are not so sure about using such a matrix, then you are in luck today. By reading this post, you will obtain relevant knowledge and be able to answer the question, “what is a literature review matrix?”

Defining a literature review matrix

Before defining what a literature review matrix is, it is essential first to understand what a literature review means. Generally, this task involves tracking, retrieving, reading, and taking notes from information sources that might be relevant to a particular topic. One thing for sure is that this entire task consumes a lot of time. In most cases, it is a continuous activity. Generally, from problem identification to the discussion of findings, one has to conduct a literature review.

On the other hand, a literature review matrix helps one properly organize the information obtained from different sources. Notably, the matrix method for capstone project literature review effectively manages the entire literature review process. Using such a literature review matrix template for capstone project makes it possible to exhaustively study a particular phenomenon. In most cases, students pursuing health sciences must adopt this strategy when developing their capstones.

Why is conducting literature important when working on a capstone project?

One might wonder why it is necessary to conduct a literature review while developing a capstone project, regardless of it being a tiresome process. Well, this activity is important because of several reasons. First, it helps one to focus on the issue better that he/she would like to address in his/her capstone. Generally, as you read the relevant materials, you get a better idea of dealing with the perceived problem.

Secondly, reviewing literature helps one to know how other researchers or scholars have tackled a certain issue under focus. With this kind of information, one becomes better positioned to produce a capstone that is not only efficient but also effective. Reviewing literature also helps one to know the most effective methodology that he/she can use in producing his/her capstone! For this reason, you should learn how to use a literature review matrix template for a capstone project.

Reasons why using literature review matrix template for capstone project is such a good idea

There are several reasons why using a literature review matrix when developing a capstone project is advisable. The most obvious is that this tool helps one organize the information obtained from the various sources reviewed. Secondly, it helps one to conduct a thorough literature review. Using this matrix method for capstone literature review allows one to keep track of the materials read. It then becomes possible to know when you have reviewed sufficient materials.

Additionally, using this template aids one in creating citations. A good review matrix provides a column with the bibliographical details of the information sources. Such details are important when citing information from the respective sources. Above all else, literature review matrix template for capstone project helps one analyze and synthesize relevant information from various sources. The result of this is that one is able to produce a comprehensive and coherent literature review.

The key elements that a literature review matrix ought to have

Remarkably, a literature review column appears in the form of a table. The title of the columns determines the kind of information you should include under each cell of the table. In most cases, the first column contains the name of the author and the title of the information source. The second column should indicate the year of the publication of the material. The third one includes the purpose.

Notably, the information under the first and second columns helps in differentiating the source from the rest. Most importantly, such columns prove invaluable when creating the citation of various sources. The information under the purpose column helps justify the use of a certain information source in your literature review section.  Generally, these three columns are standard in any acceptable literature review matrix template for a capstone project.

Other columns in a literature review matrix

Apart from the above three discussed columns of a literature review matrix, there are more that you can include. Notably, the heading of the rest of the column depends on the specific topic under focus. Precisely, they should reflect the different themes in the content that you decide to review. You have to be reasonable when creating such columns. You do not want to end up with too many columns.

At the same time, trying to fit all the available themes in the same column is a mistake. Undoubtedly, this is why your organizational skills will be put to the test when reviewing the literature. It is advisable to have, for instance, a column that deals with methodology. Under this section, you should clearly highlight the research methods used in each source. Doing so makes it possible to compare relevant articles in which authors have used similar research methods. For this reason, a literature review matrix template for capstone project is quite invaluable.

Mistakes to avoid when creating a literature review matrix for a capstone project

For your literature review matrix to be effective, then you should be sure to avoid several things. For starters, it is worth noting that it is a mistake to create such a matrix without first reading the relevant information sources. If you make this mistake, it will be impossible for you to know which additional columns you must include. Be sure to take advantage of a reliable literature review matrix template for capstone project. Additionally, you should avoid including unnecessary columns. If you are unsure how to avoid such mistakes, it might be in your best interest to use a literature review matrix template for the capstone project

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